Saturday, July 25, 2009

Round #4 When they cant take the heat, just pinpoint the IP#

I cant belive the nerve of some bloggers trying to intimidate others by simply pointing out the ping address that their IP# gives. So you know the location of a person does that mean you plan to stalk that person, possibly plan an attack all over a blog? Do you feel you need to point out that you can see the town in which a blogger lives in hopes to scare a person? I cannot belive the society we live in that a persons privacy is violated in order to promote fear or anxiety in fellow bloggers in hopes to prove what? It is a cheap and low blow to disengage in a debate and choose to threaten another person's safety because you feel you cannot stand the heat? When is it nessecary to leave the blogging discussion to expose the safety of a fellow human being. If you cannot stand the heat in the blogging community then stay out of the ring. The need to track and devulge into where a blogger is located is just plain wrong. If you cannot stand to debate here in heated discussions or in normal debates then you should not be on here. To be stalking and locating persons and causing the safty of others here to be compromised is disgraceful.


  1. Why, did someone post your IP address?

    Eat my shorts man!

  2. Yeah they tried and sad but true there is no way to verify who a person is here in the blogging community but that is just something we leave alone. when someone tries to pinpoint someone you have to wonder thier motives. It takes work to pinpoint someone so would they consider an attack or are they just bringing fear? The blogging community should be free to comment without some crazy lunatic who gets upset and wants to solve things the barbaric way since they cannot form a debateable comment.

  3. If nobody actually posted your IP, then there is no harm. Were you posting in a civil manner or attacking and making wise ass comments?

  4. Civil or not that is no excuse to threaten someone with more than just a blog. if you cannot handle a debate then maybe this is not for you. grow up, people only get violent because their edcuational level ran out of any other ideas.

  5. Who cares about their IP address? The major topic is the tool scam, everything else is secondary...a distant second. Tool scam information can be found here:

  6. who cares? good grief do you have a life? all you can ever say is tools tools tools. get a grip we heard you already. wow, find something else to do with your life also. loser.

  7. wow the kids here make me sick. you all can clearly see these bloggers are not the intellignet type. choose whom you may belive but any annoymous comments here are clearly a joke. here is somemore mud *splat* go play now kids.

  8. LOL, we want to wrestle with a pig. Your a pig aren;t you? LOL

  9. then go home to your wife

  10. Better yet, I'll go roll your momma

  11. Tex HAS no life, spending it on this useless crusade because he was too stupid not to get scammed on tools.

    Tex is Dave Robison, by the way.

  12. Tex is a moron but I am a loser.
